Original Hemp Tincture

When it comes to original hemp natural tinctures, Pinnacle hemp tinctures set the standard. Not only are our hemp tinctures the most popular and highly acclaimed, but our original hemp natural tinctures are full-spectrum, and are made with the finest USA sourced hemp extract.

Formulated with quality ingredients by skillful hands, these hemp tinctures are designed to be taken sublingually (by mouth, held under the tongue for 60-90 seconds), day or night. For those of us with a more sensitive taste, feel free to add the hemp tincture to a cup of coffee or incorporate it into one of your favorite recipes.


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SKU: Categories: CBD, Pinnacle Hemp, Tinctures

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More Information

When it comes to premium & original hemp tinctures, Pinnacle hemp tinctures are simply the best. They’re the most popular and highly acclaimed full-spectrum hemp drops you can get your hands on. Made with the finest USA sourced hemp extract and formulated with quality ingredients by skillful hands, the hemp tincture is designed to be taken sublingually by mouth, or it can be added to hot beverages such as coffee and tea.

Pinnacle Hemp tinctures are available in a variety of selections to help you find the right formula to suit your needs and also offer full-spectrum benefits to support daily wellness. Featuring dropper-applied gold bottles with clearly visible measurements, our innovative products are available in both 15 or 30 ml sizes.

Treat yourself to a breath of fresh air as you savor the “Original” tincture. It’s not the only hemp tincture with a dropper, but we are proud of our high-quality ingredients, skillful hands, and overall potency! We guarantee that once you have experienced the convenient, natural, great-tasting products from Pinnacle Hemp, you will never look back.

Recommended Use Of Original Hemp Tincture

This is our all-in-one CBD oil original hemp tincture option.The most common method of consuming our original hemp tincture is by placing drops sublingual (under the tongue) for 60 to 90 seconds before swallowing. This is the most effective way to consume our original hemp natural tinctures.

However, you may also mix oil from a hemp tincture in with food or drinks. Since we’ve formulated this oil with VG, it is able to be vaped as well.


150MG – 20mg per day. 2 drops = 1mg. 1ml = 10mg. 20 drops or 1 dropperful, twice daily. (40 drops total)

300MG – 20mg per day. 1 drops = 1mg. 1ml = 20mg. 10 drops or half a dropperful, twice daily. (20 drops total)

450MG – 20mg per day. 1 drops = 1.5mg. 1ml = 30mg. 7 drops or third of a dropperful, twice daily. (14 drops total)

600MG – 20mg per day. 1 drops = 1mg. 1ml = 20mg. 10 drops or half a dropperful, twice daily. (20 drops total)

1200MG – 20mg per day. 1 drops = 2mg. 1ml = 40mg. 5 drops, twice daily. (10 drops total)

1800MG – 20mg per day. 1 drops = 3mg. 1ml = 60mg. 3 drops, twice daily. (6 drops total)

*This is a general guide to dosing. Everybody is different. Your body is different, your condition is different and everyone needs to do some trial and error to figure out what works for them. Try different delivery methods. Some people have better results with one over the other. Some people need small doses several times a day, where as others need 1 or 2 larger doses. Both ways could equal the same amount per day but have different results depending on your body and conditions you have.


USA Industrial Hemp oil extract* (cannabinoids, terpenes and other natural constituents), vegetable glycerin.

*Our Industrial Hemp farm is Farm Bill 2018 compliant and product testing shows less than 0.3% THC to comply with Federal Law.












150mg, 300mg, 600mg, 1200mg, 1800mg

Product Type


  1. Mark W.

    By far the best full spectrum cbd I have tried to date. Helps in so many ways and the most important one for me is the inflammation relief that I get. Allows me to feel and participate like a young man again confident that my body will recover much quicker. Cannot say enough good things about pinnacles product and top customer service.

  2. Derek S.

    Best CBD I’ve ever tried!

  3. Robert H.

    As you know, cbd can get expensive, i purchased 2 bottles this past year, i got 350mg 30ml and 1000mg 60ml from the local store. and even though the cbd was helping me, i really didnt think the price was worth it. I spend a lot of money on medications monthly and as much as i wanted to be able to have the extra help of cbd, it just didnt make the cut and once it was gone, it was gone. But then someone told me, it was because i was buying it at Wal-Mart haha and chances are, i just wasnt getting quality products. But all though my experience was good with it and was explained to that i should try a better brand, i just couldnt bring myself to buy more. Well, a month or two back, i was chosen in the group Meds By Mojo for a free bottle of pinnacle 1200mg, 30m. When i got it, i was uneducated on what cbd actually was and the differences between the types and so on, so when i dosed, i was definitely not expecting the results i got. The best way i can explain it is, i felt like a kid again. My pains subsided, i had more energy, i was able to move around with ease and had a great appetite which is something i haven’t had for years. Everything taste amazing to me. I was truly blown away by the medical properties that became quickly evident to me. Here is the thing, some of you from Mojo Minions are aware of my health issues i have been dealing with over the years. Just last year at the end of October, i was hospitalized and diagnosed with a multitude of health issues, a few more serious then others but i was the walking dead. Every doctor i have seen since that very day has told me i have been given a second chance and technically should not be alive. I had to have heart surgery many blood transfusions and just barely escaped dialysis. I went in there carrying 43 lbs of fluid on my body that i had been carrying for years, i was so swollen for years that my feet are scarred to hell from blisters. I had septic authority so bad in my bones (mostly my knee’s, i could not walk at all (is the main reason i went), my knee’s had it so bad and legs was so swollen, it was insane. I had a fever of 105 and i kept going into septic shock because my heart infection spread throughout my body and into my blood stream and dealt with it for so long without diagnosis or medical treatment, that i shouldn’t have been able to survive it. Here is the list of health issue i have to date, i had more but this is what i am down to.
    Septic pulmonary embolism,
    Acute bacterial endocarditis,
    Normocytic anemia,
    Vitamin D deficiency,
    Secondary hyperparathyroidism,
    Right renal mass (cancerous, not ruled out at this point),
    CHB (complete heart block, 100% dependent on pacemaker)
    AKI (acute kidney injury),
    CKD (chronic kidney disease) stage 3, GFR,
    History of tricuspid (heart) valve replacement.
    I knew for a good 4 years or better that i was sick, i thought i had cancer, and because i am hard headed, and “a man” i refused to see a doctor every time someone suggested it. Of course, i regret not doing so. I let it go for so long, that i will never, ever recover from the problems it has caused my health. At some point, i will have to start dialysis, maybe even need a transplant, i will need to replace the heart valve again in 7 to 9 years from now, if i service that long. I am at high risk for kidney failure, heart attack and stroke. Among other things. I have cut myself short by being stubborn.
    Needless to say, i am a mess, i am on many medications and trying to maintain a healthier lifestyle. I have to eat things i do not like, i have to limit my liquid intake, i can ot be on my feet for more then a few minutes at a time and i can not sit for more then 15-20 minutes at a time. The septic arthritis still dominates my bones, my kidneys are constantly swollen and throbbing, causing me urination problems because its putting so much pressure on my bladder, it makes it difficult to urinate. I been dealing with kidney issues since i was 21, had i spent more time seeing doctors, i would have known many years ago i had kidney disease and could have treated it much earlier. They always told me it was kidney stones and the most they can do is treat the pain unless its too big to pass, i spent a lot of time at the hospital in my early 20’s, every visit i got a 3-4k bill, because of the scans. So at some point i decided to stop going and treat my pain myself and if it was too big to pass then i would go. That is how i found myself addicted and abusing pain medication and to this day am on a strict recovery plan. Been sober going on 10 years now. At first, i just needed the morphine for the pain, then i needed it not to be sick, then i needed it to complete my day. I went through some very dark days back then. So as you can imagine, being a recovered addict, i refuse the use of pain medications, in fact, i refused it for my surgery and after.

  4. Robert H.

    And they cut you open, saw your sternum off the rib cage, pull you ribs apart and cut into your heart, your body and arms are in a unimaginable position for 8 to 10 hours and then they wire your sternum back together and glue you back together. And i refused the use of narcotics. But, just a day before surgery I was convinced by the hospitals psych team and Chaplin. I would be making things far worse then they needed to be, by refusing. But..l made sure, i was given the lowest dose possible of anything i was given. And i tell you what, i very much regret putting up an argument about pain management, not only did i have many complications from the surgery, but i spent six days in ICU in the worst pain i have had in my life, i didnt sleep for four days straight, i was in so much pain. But even though, i was in excruciating pain, i refused to have stronger meds until day six when things started getting really bad with complications and the doctors believed it had a lot to do with how my body was dealing with the pain and only then did i allow the use of morphine and ketimine. I liturally come out of heart surgery dosed with 10mg Vicodin every six ours. Liquid Tylenol di far more for me then that lol. Meaningless to say, i will not be refusing next round haha. But ever since then, i deal with pain in my upper shoulder and left/mid back, along with my lower back/kidney pain, my stomach pains from swollen organs,septic arthritis really bad in my knees, hands and feet. I cant get comfortable sitting or laying down, i cant lay on my left side at night, it does something to my pacemaker and makes it hard to breath, i am very short winded and cant do anything strenuous. I cant even stand in one spot for more then two minutes without my feet turning the color of beets, swelling and itching with pins and needles and burning like a son of a bitch (you have any idea what thats like taking a shower or shaving?). I deal with many other issues as well, some that i am forgetting and some that are not so painful but difficult living with, like getting up too quick and getting dizzy, easily disorientated and confused. Weird populations in my chest along with weird pinching or pressure.
    So now, with all that explained. Let me tell you what pinnacle 1200 does for me. I have far less kidney swelling and am able to urinate much easier 🙂 I am able to sit in my seat longer without my kidneys throbbing and without the deep knee pain creeping, i am able to sleep through the entire night without problems or waking up (normally i wake up a few times a night with bad back pain or having t urinate badly), I wake up in the morning with minimum back pain, which normally is so bad that i have to wait in bed, curling up (sometimes i have to get on my knees in bed and crouch in such a way it stretches my back. Usually the pain wont subside past a certain point till i get up and urinate. I do not get my knee pain when being more active then normal nor do i get as much swelling in my kidneys which eliminates a lot of my back pain. Unfortunately, i still cant stand in one spot too long, it doesnt really do much for my blood flow lol, And i have a much better appetite with these healthy foods that i despise lmao, i am a meat and potato guy, finger foods and pizza. But since i started using pinnacle, my food has had a much more pleasing taste to it. I just feel all around, much better. I take it soon as i wake up and sometimes i take a small dose a couple hours before bed. It is doing other stuff for me too, i know it is, i am just forgetting at the moment. Seriously, this stuff has done wonders for me. And i have gotten to the point now that when i take it, i dont really notice any “head buzz”, like i did the first and second time taking it. I admit, that first and second dose surprised me and wasnt expecting what i got from it and did give me a little head buzz (which i was ok with), after day 2, i didnt notice it anymore. I need this stuff, it works so well on a number of health issues, i would be foolish not utilize it. Price is a bit steep for me considering i already pay out $580 a month for doc and meds and have no (income at the moment). I just wanted to share my experience and testify that it really works and for many things. If you have some health issues that cbd is known to help with, do yourself a favor, wait no longer, get you some and experience the miracle of cbd. And thank you guys for the bottle, i would never have purchased that before trying it and now that i have finished the bottle (unfortunately a good 15% of it leaked out because i didnt close it properly), i am going to buy more, since they same week i received this bottle, i been saving for my next one. I am close to enough. I am blown away by how well this stuff works for me.

  5. Kathryn J.

    I’ve been suffering from many Aliments since I was a child. A.D.D mostly, when 2004 came around I had my gal-bladder removed which left me with a severe case of Irritable bowel syndrome (I.B.S). By 2009 I had a Disc shaved between my L4 and L5 which in turn left me with sciatic nerve damage and scarring around my lower spine. I was on opiates from my early 20s till 2016 When I found pinnacle CBD. I’ve never had so much relief from opiates and OTC medicines like this and it has improved my overall general health. CBD changed my life 1000s times over and I am thankful to Pinnacle as they were my sweet road to Relief and Recovery. I take 40mg. (1ml) Twice a day and have for 2 years now I haven’t had an IBS attack in 2 years and my ADD and nerve pain is controlled among the 100s of other aliments i use CBD for daily from bug bites to toothaches….. I’m no longer a prisoner trapped within myself. If you haven’t tried pinnacle take the leap and never give up on yourself. I’m glad I didn’t.
    ~Kat *Darken Duchess*

  6. Jenilyn Q.

    I am new to vaping. I have always used the tinctures. But so far so good. Pinnacle is the best I have used to date. I suffer.from severe PTSD from a car accident that crushed my leg. The recovery from both ailments has been excruciating. But since I started using your CBD vape, all of that is a thing of the past. The swelling has went down in my leg and ankle. Plus I have the added benefit of a more normal, healthy outlook on the day and bye-bye anxiety.
    Thank you Pennicale.
    Jenilyn Quinley

  7. Rex B.

    I’ve had really good results with the Pinnacle brand. I’ve tried the 300, 450, and 1200. They have all been great.

  8. Bobby B.

    Just received the product so haven’t had time to tell how it works.
    But the taste is terrible. Need that does with a better taste.

  9. Tina Shindledecker

    I have anxiety issues and my medication just isn’t enough. I am 52 and do in home childcare, I take a small dropper in the morning and it helps my stress levels during the day. I take a full dropper at night and I sleep so good.

  10. Oger

    Nice calm

  11. Devan

    These CBD oils are my favorite I’ve ever tried. They taste good, feel good, and help tremendously with my anxiety.

  12. Cathy D.

    I love the honey sticks!

  13. Max T.

    I love the ease of use and great taste! I add it to my morning tea and I’m good to go. I’ve tried other brands as well, but Pinnacle has been by far the most effective.

  14. Nicole V.

    my favorite on the market so far

  15. Joy M.

    This product works wonderfully. This is my third order. A+++++

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